Best Weight Loss Diet

What are the Best Ways to Lose Weight?

 What are the Best Ways to Lose Weight?

In terms of medicine, health, or physical fitness, weight loss refers to a decrease in total body mass caused by a mean loss of fluid, body fat (adipose tissue), or lean mass (namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and other connective tissue). In general, weight loss is defined as the reduction in body mass and body fat.

There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of ways to lose weight. But for me, Intermittent fasting (IF), often known as intermittent fasting, is the best to lose weight. If other diets focus more on what you eat, the intermittent fasting diet focuses more on when you eat.

What is IF?

IF is a diet by regulates food patterns. It's like fasting, the only difference is that it's only for a certain period. However, this diet allows you to drink water throughout the fasting period to avoid dehydration. This diet not only helps to reduce the amount of food intake but also regulates the time to eat and the period of 'fasting'.

It is a type of diet method that organizes nutrition according to a schedule that alternates between meal times and times for you to fast. Through this method, you will only enjoy food at certain times. Apart from those meal times, you will fast.

How IF Helps to Lose Weight?

Below are the facts that IF could help you to lose weight.
  • The food we eat will be broken down by enzymes in the stomach and end up as small molecules in the bloodstream.
  • Then, all these molecules will be broken down into sugar and converted into energy to be used throughout the day.
  • However, if this sugar is not used, it will be stored in the body as fat. But, to be stored as fat, the body needs the hormone insulin to bring those sugar molecules to be stored.
  • If we do not eat any food for a long period, the level of insulin in the body will decrease. Because of this, fat cells will begin to release stored sugar to be used as energy.
  • When insulin levels remain low, more fat can be burned by the body. This process is repeated and will cause weight loss.

Why IF?

Studies by several scientific and health bodies have proven that:
  1. The best way to lose body fat without destroying muscle.
  2.  Proven to improve health to an optimal level.
  3. Those who practiced IF found their body fat loss much faster than any dieting technique they had practiced before, even without regular exercise.
  4. A fasting plan that is easy to follow in addition to being able to enjoy a variety of food options without the need for strict calorie control
  5. A fasting plan that is very flexible and easy to follow, as well as enjoy the long-term benefits of the body's physiological recovery, such as optimal body weight, clear and sharp mental health, and more disease resistance.
  6. Reduces the risk of cancer
  7. Improve heart health
  8. Reduces appetite and promotes weight loss
  9. Improves blood sugar content
  10. Improve cognitive function

Causes of IF diet program failure:

Some mistakes can cause this diet to be ineffective as below:
  1. The wrong way of dieting
  2. Too hasty to want impact
  3. Wrong food selection
  4. Take too much sugary water / sugary food
  5. Consuming too many carbohydrates

IF Risks

This type of diet is not suitable for everyone, especially:

1. Uncontrolled Diabetes Patients.
2. Those in the 'malnourished' category such as cancer patients, underweight, and eating disorders.
3. Mother is pregnant and breastfeeding
4. Those who have fertility problems and are planning to have offspring.
5. Low blood pressure
6. It is necessary to take medicine with/after taking food

Each individual needs to make an assessment of himself or whether it is suitable or not because to maintain a healthy weight in the long term, we need to practice a healthy, balanced, varied, and most importantly easy to practice diet.

If you still struggling to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise, please click here

Thank you

What are the best anti-aging tips?

What are the best anti-aging tips?

What is anti-aging?

The meaning of anti-aging in the Collins English Dictionary are relating to any product or procedure claiming to reverse or slow down the effects of aging. As science has proven, this decrease in HGH (human growth hormone) directly correlates to how rapidly your body begins to age, affecting everything from your appearance (sagging, wrinkles) to your muscle tone, fat retention, memory, sex drive, and energy levels, and more!


The biological process of skin aging is a complex one that is influenced by both exogenous and endogenous causes. Numerous anti-aging treatments have been created in recent years because skin health and beauty are thought to be among the key characteristics representing general "well-being" and the perception of "health" in humans. 

Anti-aging Tips

Aging doesn't start and stop at wrinkling. You need to be watchful of many other signs as wellHere are 7 easy anti-aging tips.

1. Grab for antioxidant skincare

Increasing your intake of antioxidants, whether from fresh fruits and vegetables or supplements, can help you look younger and have healthier, more resilient skin. Vitamin B12 strengthens your immune system, promotes healthy neuron function, and aids in the production of DNA and red blood cells in your body (more useful information here)

2. Include vitamin A in your daily routine.

Vitamin A promotes natural moisturizing, which means it helps to efficiently hydrate the skin and give it a radiant glow. It also supports the skin's immune system, speeds up healing, prevents breakouts, and supports the skin's healing process. It helps to preserve and promote the health of your skin's top two layers, the dermis, and epidermis. Making topical retinoids a part of your skincare routine is one of the simplest methods to turn back the hands of time. While some people with sensitive skin may find them unpleasant, they can be an effective first line of protection against wrinkles.

3. Avoid the sweet things.

Sugar contributes greatly to the skin's loss of firmness, which can significantly speed up the aging process in addition to decaying your teeth. Dr. Fred Pescatore, a specialist in natural medicine, advises, "Focus on a balanced diet with plenty of lean protein and vegetables and avoid sweets." "Advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which promote wrinkles and the loss of collagen and elastin, have been related to poor diets that are heavy in sugar."

4. Leave the all-nighters out.

Your skin is not benefiting from the late nights you spent in college. In fact, they might be to blame for your slightly worse-for-wear appearance. You should understand that sleep is the time when your body repairs itself. This is true for your epidermis as much as it is for your brain or your muscles. During sleep, your skin’s blood flow increases, and the organ rebuilds its collagen and repairs damage from UV exposure, reducing wrinkles and age spots.

5. Exercise

We all understand the need for exercise for our health, but for some of us, sticking to a regular fitness routine can be challenging. Finding an activity that you enjoy (and don't fear) is one of the keys to remaining motivated to exercise regularly, so look for something that makes you happy.

6. Go for natural products

By encouraging the body's natural ability to repair itself, the use of safe, natural products aids in the prevention of physical, mental, emotional, and environmental issues. It's not only about getting things done quickly or easing symptoms. If you haven’t thought about switching over to natural products, now more than ever is the time to start.  Many individuals are starting to understand the advantages of adding natural products into your lifestyle as there is a drive for greater access to natural products (click here for natural health anti-aging products). 

Improving self-confidence is one of the biggest advantages of using anti-aging treatments. A person feels good when they look good. A person can live life to the fullest by maintaining a youthful, appealing appearance.

7. Smile and be happy

Smiling not only improves our happiness but also triggers the production of endorphins and cortisol, both of which have many positive health effects. Start your day with a smile. Smiling is contagious, and when we smile, we activate neurons in the brain that fire a synchronizing feature. 

Remember this, "life is too short to be unhappy, don't waste it. Cherish every moment, and do the things you love. Love the people who love you, and also who don't......"😘😘😘.