Best Weight Loss Diet

The Best Tips To Lose weight

Kalyani Dasari
  1. Take stairs wherever you go.
  2. Drink lemon water each day after waking up. Lemon water is low in calories, and it can increase metabolism.
  3. Never skip meals. When you skip, your body goes into an energy-saving mode which actually slows down your metabolism. In addition, you are likely to intake more calories in the next means when you skip one meal. So, eat smaller portions at regular intervals.
  4. Replace sugar with jaggery. People say sugar will make you gain weight. But how? Sugar is a substathathich is high in calories and contains nothing except carbohydrates. Excess carbohydrates in the body are stored as fat. So, if you take some other with of the same calories, it can give fiber, protein, and other nutrients which are helpful for the body and there is no way for that to get stored as fat.
  5. Carry a water bottle everywhere you go. Not because you don't get water in public places, but a water bottle of your own will remind you to drink water consistently and it will remind you of your goal to lose weight.

  1. People say it correctly that 20% of weight loss is done through exercise, but the major 80% is only through diet. What you eat is far more important than how much time you exercise.
  2. Drink water 30 minutes before and an hour after your meal. Trust me, this trick helps a lot. Immediately drinking water after meals will dilute digestive juices and makes digestion difficult.
  3. Fill your plate will veggies. If not more veggies, at least keep veggies and carbohydrates(rice, roti, bread) in an equal ratio.
  4. Having eggs in breakfast will do wonders. Not only because the egg is rich in protein, but egg keeps you full. If you take 2–3 eggs in the mornings, you won't feel hungry for the next few hours.
  5. Intermittent fasting. This just worked for me perfectly. What I do when I say intermittent fast is, I eat my meals before 7pm and I eat my first food in the morning after 8am. When you fast for 10–12 hours a day, your body can turn the fat stores into energy, which will make the weight loss process very easy.
  6. Drink 3–4 liters of water every day. Do not drink much water at once just to complete the the4-liter target. Drink at regular intervals. Like for every 40 minutes or for every hour. Drinking water can improve metabolism, suppress your unnecessary appetite, and make exercising easy. In all these ways, it will help you shed weight.
  7. Avoid processed foods. I stopped eating snacks like Maggie, biscuits, and all. Instead, I eat boiled green peas, boiled brown peas, and produce during my snack time.
  8. Do not fry your veggies, every time boil them and eat them. Because boiling will help you retain anti-oxidants and the water content in those veggies will do a lot of good for your body.
  9. Eat fruits. Don't drink them. I mean no juices. When you drink one glass of orange juice, it's a mixture of 4–5 oranges, sugar, and water. So with one glass of juice, you are getting the sugar of 5 oranges. And also, a glass of juice will not make you full. Instead, eat two oranges in fruit form. It will make you full, and also the sugar intake will be minimal.
  10. Do not take oily foods. The oil contains more calories. When you eat a small amount of oil, it will give you sufficient calories but it won't make you full, as a result, you will eat more and gain more calories. But when you eat vegetables, eggs, and other nutrient sources, it will make you full and also gives you sufficient calories.

If you exercise 1 hour a day, remember you also have 23 hours to screw it up.

Choose what you eat, wisely!

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